How do I locate a book on the shelf?
The Moran Library collection is organized using Dewey Decimal Classification System which organizes informational materials by numerical order. Our fiction collection is organized by genre and author's last name. The library's catalog is the best place to start searching for your item or topic of interest. Once you've located a book or material you'd like to track down use the images below to help inform your search. The US Librarians are here to help you locate materials if you need help too!
Overview of Dewey Decimal Classification System
000-099 Generalities (encyclopedias, bibliographies, periodicals, journalism)
100-199 Philosophy and related disciplines (psychology, logic, etc.)
200-299 Religion
300-399 Social sciences (economics, sociology, civics, law, education, vocations, customs)
400-499 Language (language, dictionaries, grammar)
500-599 Pure sciences (mathematics, astronomy, physics, chemistry, geology, biology, zoology)
600-699 Technology and applied sciences (medicine, engineering, agriculture, business, radio)
700-799 The arts (architecture, sculpture, painting, music, photography, recreation)
800-899 Literature (novels, poetry, plays, criticism)
900-999 Geography, history, and related disciplines